Whistleblower Policy

Aims and scope

Our aim with the whistleblower policy is to protect and encourage our employees and external parties to step forth and report any misconduct, wrongdoings, or illegal activities happening within the organisation without fear of reprisals. 

This policy is supported by our values of transparency, accountability, and dedication, which promote an honest and transparent company culture that prevents corruption and misconduct from happening.

Who can be a whistleblower?

A whistleblower can be an employee, an ex-employee, an intern, a supplier, a client, or one of AAE’s stakeholders.

Internal and external whistleblowing

In an internal whistleblowing case, the whistleblower reports inappropriate behaviour or activities to someone within the organisation. In an external whistleblowing case, the whistleblower reports inappropriate behaviour or organisational activities to a competent authority.

What incidents should be reported through whistleblowing?

Through whistleblowing, suspected offences or misconduct that violate the Law can be reported.

Personal dissatisfaction or complaints are not regarded as whistleblowing matters. These matters should be discussed with your supervisor or the HR department.

The process of reporting

We want a company culture where employees feel free to bring any issues or suspicious activities that could affect the business to supervisors’ and senior management’s attention. However, we have a separate whistleblowing procedure that protects the whistleblower’s identity if they feel uncomfortable reporting directly to anyone in the organisation, for example, because of fear of other repercussions.

Reporting with a protected identity

The people responsible for handling incoming reports within AAE are CFO Örjan Räikkönen and HR and Communications Coordinator Stina Åvist. Only they are authorised to manage reports, and in cases where they know who the whistleblower is, they are obliged to keep the whistleblower’s identity confidential. When making reports, we will ensure that applicable laws, rules, and regulations fully protect whistleblowers. We pledge not to retaliate against anyone who makes a report.

The whistleblowing report can also be submitted via an “intermediary” who is then obliged to forward the report without delay to the responsible officers, see above. The intermediary is also bound by professional secrecy and may not reveal the whistleblower’s identity without consent.

The report should be made in good faith and include a description of the alleged behaviour, the individuals involved, and the basis and possible evidence for the allegation in as much detail as possible. If possible, evidence and documents supporting the allegation should also be submitted. A complaint is always treated with confidentiality.

Channels for reporting

Reports may be made in writing, verbally, by e-mail, telephone or, at the reporter’s request, at an agreed-upon meeting (physical or online). It is also possible to send a letter by post to one of the company’s responsible officers.

Contact details:

Email: whistleblow(at)amada-automation.eu (recipients: Örjan Räikkönen and Stina Åvist)

Phone: Örjan Räikkönen, +358 50 3798 296 and Stina Åvist, +358 40 0279 352

Address: AMADA AUTOMATION EUROPE, Stina Åvist, Svartnäshagavägen 7, 68910 Bennäs.

The interrogation process

Received reports are acknowledged within seven days. The officers will take the necessary steps to investigate the report’s accuracy and, where appropriate, act in case of a criminal offence. Incoming cases will be referred to senior management where applicable. If the report relates to an executive, the matter will be directed to the board or the shareholders.

The whistleblower will be informed of the action taken in the response to the report within three months of the acknowledgement. The report will be kept on file for 12 months after the person has been informed of the actions taken.

The person making the report may turn to a competent authority (external whistleblowing) if they have reasonable grounds to believe that

  • An internal whistleblowing procedure has not resulted in action being taken within the time limit set out in the above paragraph.
  • If it is not possible to deal with the offence in an effective manner based on an internal report.
  • The whistleblower risks being retaliated against because of the report.


This policy is available on the company’s website and internal document management system. All managers, supervisors and employees are informed of the policy and procedures for the company’s internal reporting channel. The whistleblowing policy is part of the induction process for new employees.